Thursday, August 4, 2011

It's Raining on My Face

Water dripping over my eyes,
I stand in the dark to hide my cries...
Worries take over my mind,
I wipe my face and say I won't let it this time...
"Nice try" my heart says,
"I can feel all of your pain...
If you don't wanna feel what I feel.
Have a conversation with your brain"...
"Brain why do you worry so much?
Better yet why do you care???
Let's get to the root of the problem,
What exactly is your fear"???
My fear is that I am not enough for him,
And that I will lose my love...
My fear is that he doesn't really love me,
And I already told the heart he does...
The water is for your children,
For their poor innocent souls...
What the world has in store for them,
Only God really knows...
I am overwhelmed with emotions,
Sometimes I feel I'm going insane...
The weight of life so heavy
is what is causing my head pain...
I wanna smile and be sincere,
and not cover up my hurt...
Be happy for a day for once,
And have someone put ME first...
I don't wanna feel the worry,
I'm ready to drop the facade...
I don't wanna hide behind the work,
By continuing to work so hard...
I dance to hide the pain,
I laugh to hide the sorrow...
I love harder each and every day,
and pray I'll get it back tomorrow...
I'm praying for peace of mind,
to keep my heart and loved ones safe...
for now in the midst of my storm I will continue to let it rain on my face...